Lorena Independent School District

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Special Programs

LISD Administration coordinates the implementation of several district special programs.
Section 504 Gifted & Talented English as a Second Language
 Dyslexia  Title 1  Homeless Services

Title I

Coordinator: Jessica Webb
Title I is a Federal Aid Program. The allocation of funds for each school district is based on a legislative formula dependent upon the distribution of low-income children and state per-pupil expenditures. The program is designed to:
  • Help children do better in school and receive skills to be successful
  • Provide resources for children to help them achieve their best potential
  • Encourage parents to be more involved in their children’s education
  • Provide opportunities for smaller class sizes
  • Help schools to actively promote increased family involvement

The Title I Program focuses on reading, language arts, and/or math intervention. The program is designed to supplement services to students using a variety of models.

  • Smaller classes or special instructional spaces
  • Additional teachers
  • A variety of supplementary teaching methods
  • Additional teaching materials which supplement materials already in the classroom
  • Extra time for teaching/tutoring students in the skills they need
  • Opportunities for professional development for school staff.
Progress Monitoring
Student progress will be monitored throughout the year to establish continual eligibility for the Title I program. In accordance with recent federal legislation, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), school districts that receive Title I federal funds are required to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher including degrees and certifications held and whether the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching. The following classroom-based assessments and benchmarks are used:
PreK: CLI Engage Circle Progress Monitoring
K: CLI Engage Texas Kindergarten Entry Assessment
1-2: DRA, TPRI, and TEMI
3-5: Renaissance Learning - STAR Math and STAR Reading 
NOTICE of Federal Program Planning for Lorena ISD
The Lorena Independent School District is currently in the planning process for the 2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Federal Application for the following programs:
Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs
Title I, Part C - Migrant
Title II, Part A - Improving Teacher Quality
Title III, Part A - Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students
Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Achievement
Campus eligibility for Title I is based on low income data and enrollment. Private Nonprofit Schools and/or Homeschools with government nonprofit status that serve students living within Lorena ISD boundaries and that are interested in receiving program information on participation and/or providing input into program planning for services for eligible students may contact, Joe Kucera, Superintendent, at 254-857-3239 or PO Box 97, Lorena, Texas 76712.
Lorena ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities or hiring practices. Inquiries regarding the Title IX policies should be directed to Rusty Grimm, 254-857-3239.

Section 504

Coordinator: Dr. Steven McKissick

The purpose of Section 504 is to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or activity provided by school districts and other educational providers that receive federal financial assistance. No qualified student with a disability may, solely on the basis of a disability, be excluded from a district’s programs and activities. Stated another way, the purpose of Section 504 is to ensure that students who are Section 504 eligible have educational opportunities equivalent to those of their non-disabled peers. School districts are required to provide appropriate general education or appropriate special education and related aides and services. This means that school districts may be required to provide accommodations to ensure that equal educational opportunities are available to eligible students with disabilities.

Under Child Find requirements, districts are required to identify, locate and evaluate qualified disabled students residing within district boundaries. Additionally, public schools are required under this statute to provide a free, appropriate public education, or FAPE, to individuals who qualify as persons disabled under Section 504. FAPE, under Section 504 regulations, consists of a program of general and/or special education and related aids and services that are designed to meet the education needs of a disabled student as adequately as the educational needs of a nondisabled student. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is charged with enforcing this statute.

504 Process Flowchart Notice of Rights for Disabled Students under Section 504
2024 Records Management Notice  


Gifted & Talented

Coordinator: Belinda Maldonado

English as a Second Language

Coordinator: Jennifer Camplair-Hassell
English as a Second Language Program Flyer 

Special Programs

308 North Frontage Rd
Lorena, TX 76655
Phone: 254-857-3239
Fax: 254-857-4533
Hours: 8a.m. - 4:00p.m.,